March 31, 2025

How to Find Your Lunar Birthday

There are two prevalent calendar systems used all over the world, one is called the lunisolar calendar and the other is the solar calendar. This article will look at how to find your Lunar Birthday. It is possible to perform a birthday lookup free of charge on the web.

The lunisolar calendar has 12 months of 30 days each plus 5 extra days every year that are added on at the end of the month. The first day of a new month begins with the new moon.

The solar calendar has 12 months with 31 or 32 days in them. Each month starts with the new sun.

Lunar Calendar

If you want to know when your birthday falls on the lunar calendar, then you can use this formula:

(Year + Month/2) – (Month Day/30) + 1 Lunar Birthday

For example, if you were born on January 2nd, 1990 then you would be 35 years old.

Another idea would be to try Birthday Calculators which you can Google online.

Both Calendars have their Own Advantages and Disadvantages.


In the case of the lunisolar calendar, it’s easy to calculate the date of any given event by adding up the number of days between the start of the month and the event. For example, if you want to know when the next full moon will be, just add up the number of days from January 1st until the new moon, then divide that total by 30 (the number of days in a month). If you do this for December 31st, you’ll get an answer of about 14 days before the New Year’s Eve. This means that the new moon will occur on the night of December 29th.

On the other hand, the lunisolar calendar doesn’t work well for events that happen close together. For instance, if you wanted to know when the next new moon would be after January 1st, you’d need to count backwards from the last day of the previous month instead of forwards from the beginning of the current month. In this case, you’d need to subtract 28 days from the last day of December, which gives us December 27th as the new moon.

On the other hand, the solar calendar works better for events that happen close to each other because they’re always calculated based on the same starting point. So, if you want to figure out when the next full moon is, you only need to count forward from the beginning of the month. You don’t need to go back and count backwards like you do with the lunisolar calendar.

There are many different ways to calculate your lunar birthday. Some people prefer to use the Chinese lunar calendar, where the new moon occurs on the 15th day of the month. Others use the Hebrew lunar calendar, where the first day of the month begins at sunset. Still others use the Islamic lunar calendar, where the month begins on the sighting of the new moon. And some people even choose to use the Gregorian calendar, where the first of the month begins on March 25th. The choice is yours.

Types of Lunar Calendars


A lunar calendar is a type of calendar that uses the moon as its primary timekeeping device. The first recorded use of a lunar calendar was in China, where it was used for divination purposes. It may have been invented by the Chinese themselves, or it may have come from India. In any case, it eventually spread throughout Asia and Europe.

The earliest known example of a lunar calendar is the ancient Egyptian one which dates back to about 3100 BC. This calendar was based on the phases of the Moon.

The Babylonian lunar calendar was developed around 2000 BC. It consisted of an epagomenal month (a month added at the end of the year) followed by 12 lunations, each with 30 days. The months were named after their length: kingly, short, medium, long, great, extra-great, super-long, and double. Each month had two names; one was used during the waxing phase of the moon, and the other during the waning phase.

The Hebrews also used a lunar calendar. They divided the year into four seasons, each lasting approximately three lunar months. The name of the season depended on whether the new moon occurred before or after Passover. The first half of the year was called Nisan (spring), the second half of the year was Shvat (summer), and the last half of the year was Tammuz (autumn).

In the Roman Empire, the Julian Calendar was introduced in 45 B.C., but it did not become official until A.D. 1752. The Julian Calendar is still in use today because it is very accurate. However, some people feel that the Gregorian Calendar should replace the Julian Calendar.

In the Islamic world, the lunar calendar is used. It has twelve months, each consisting of 29 or 30 days. The months are named after the Arabic letters representing them: Muharram, Safar, Rabi’ al-awwal, Shaaban, Ramadhan, Shawwal, Dhul Hijjah, Jumada I, Jumada II, Hajj, and Dhul Qa‘dah.

In Japan, the solar and lunar calendars are combined. The Japanese lunar calendar consists of 13 months, each containing 31 days. The months are called “koyo” (month) and “nengi” (year). The years consist of 52 weeks, each week being made up of five days. The Japanese lunar calendar begins with the New Year on January 1st.

The Chinese lunar calendar is similar to the Jewish one. There are 12 months, each having 28 or 29 days. The months are given different names depending on when they occur in the year. For instance, the third month occurs in the spring, the sixth month in the summer, and so forth. The Chinese lunar calendar begins with the Spring Equinox.

The Iranian lunar calendar is a combination of the Persian solar and lunar calendars. It contains 11 months, each containing 30 days. The months begin with the spring equinox.

The Mayan lunar calendar is based on the position of the moon relative to the sun. It has only 10 months, each having between 20 and 23 days. The months are numbered 0 through 9. The Mayans believed that the number zero represented the beginning of creation.

The Aztec lunar calendar is based on both the movement of the moon and the movements of the stars. It has 13 months, each containing either 18 or 19 days. The months are arranged in groups of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10. The Aztecs believed that the number 2 represented the beginning of creation, while the number 4 represented the middle of creation.

The Inca lunar calendar was used by the Incas. It contained 12 months, each having 15 or 16 days. The months were arranged in groups of 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, or 15. The Incas believed that the number 3 represented the beginning of creation and the number 5 represented the middle of creation, while the numbers 7, 9, 11 and 13 represented the end of creation.

These tips will help you on how to find your lunar birthday. There are a number of choices you have amongst the lunar calendars. Pick the one you prefer from the list.