March 26, 2025

Anti spam policy

What is spam?

This is numerous unselective and unwanted messages that are sent with mostly the aim of making profit, in terms of electronic messaging. We do not support spam policy.

Automated spam filtering

This site has a mechanism that mechanically scan all received emails (and other) messages and sieve messages that appear to be spam.

Problems with spam filtering

There is no mechanism used to filter messages that works that has 100% exactness, thus genuine messages are at times filtered by our mechanism.

In a situation whereby you suspect such has occurred to a message you sent, please try to use other means to communicate with the person you were sending the message to.

By forwarding your message in plain text (no HTML), removing attachments, and scanning messages for viruses before being sent, you can minimise the chances of your message being filtered by the system.

Receipt of unwanted messages from this website/us

In a situation whereby you receive a message from us that you consider to be spam, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through our “contacts us” page as the matter will be examined.

Changes to this anti-spam policy

This spam policy is subject to changes at any given moment through the issuing of a new one on this very site.

Contact Us
