March 27, 2025

Find Someone’s Birthday Using Background Check Services

A surprise party, surprise birthday present or merely forgetting someone’s birthday maybe someone of the reason you might be looking to find someone’s birthday using background checks. This article is part of a full series on how to find out someone’s birthday. We provide tips and tricks on how to go about doing this.

A word About Background Checks

Background checks are an ideal way to reveal information on people. This is commonly used by businesses and individuals looking to hire, tenants looking to lease out property etc.

Background check results are normally comprehensive as they may reveal the person’s date of birth, education background, employment records, court records, marriage records, phone numbers, addresses and more details.

A number of sites that do background checks do so at a fee. You can search other free sources of course for free for date of birth records on someone.

Precautionary Measures

  • If you do decide to use a background check service, you should make sure that you understand what type of information they hold before using their service. Some sites hold criminal records while others hold public records. Others hold both types of information. Make sure that you read through the terms and conditions of the site carefully so you know exactly what information they hold and how long they keep it for.
  • You should also consider the cost of obtaining the information. Many sites charge a small fee to access the information they hold but some offer free searches.
  • You should also think about whether you want to pay to receive your results. Most sites allow you to download a copy of the report for free but some require payment for this.
  • Some sites also request personal information such as your address and telephone number which you may not wish to give away. It is always best to contact the company directly to see if they collect this kind of information.
  • Finally, remember to double check the date when you received the report. Sometimes the date shown on the report does not correspond with the actual date that the record was created. This could mean that the record was altered after being created.

So let’s take a look at the choices you have to find that date of birth you are looking for from background checks.

Birthday Searches from Background Checks

The motto for is “better data. Better checks’. This means the data that is provided by the site is of excellent quality thus making your search a quality too.

It is mostly utilised by businesses who are looking to hire new employees. Personal background check activities are also possible from here.

Background Checks provides comprehensive background check services including: Criminal Records Search, Sex Offender Registry Search, Employment Screening, Property Searches, Public Record Searches, Education Verification, Credit Reports, Military Discharge Status, Court Records, Bankruptcy Filings, Divorce Records, Marriage License Applications, Driver’s Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, Motorcycle Registration, Vehicle Titles, Real Estate Searches, Social Security Number Lookup, Wills & Probate Records, Landlord Tenant Searches, Immigration History, Fingerprinting, DNA Testing, and More!

Data Coverage Maps

Data Coverage Map from Background Checks is a very powerful tool that will help you find out where the data coverage is in the United States. This map shows the states with the highest population density and the lowest population density. The color-coded areas on this map show the percentage of background check records available in each state. For example, if a state has a large amount of blue color then it means that there are many more background check records available in that particular state than the other states.

To search from you must first select the State where the person was born (usually USA). Then enter the full name in question into the search box provided. If you know approximate age you can narrow the results by entering this into the appropriate box. Once you have entered the relevant information click on the Search button.

Other Background Check Options to Find a Birthday – is one of the leading providers of background checks online. They offer a wide variety of products and services including: Criminal Records, Sex Offender Registry, Employment Screening, Public Records, Education Verification, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Complaint Information, Credit Reports, Military Service Records, Voter Registration, Motorcycle Registration, and Vehicle Registration. – is an established provider of background checks since 1996. Their website features a wide range of products and services including; Criminal Records, Sex Offenders, Employment Screening, Credit Reports, Public Records, Education Records, Motorcycle Registration, Birth Certificate, Voter Registration, and Vehicle Registration records.

To search from these background check sites, you must first select the state where the person was born. Then enter the full name of the person in question into the search box provided. If you know the year of birth or approximate age you can narrow down the results by entering this information into the appropriate boxes.

Once you have entered all the relevant details click on the “search” button. In most cases this will return a list of people who match the criteria you have set up. From here you can either print off the report or view it online.

These options can help you find someone’s birthday using background checks. The advantage with background checks is that they have a detailed outcome from a search which might prove useful as you might also get contacts and addresses, let alone the person’s history

Here is a great video showing the best sites and their reviews

Other Sources to Consider for a Birthday Search