March 27, 2025

Find Someone’s Birthday with Social Security Number

This article is part of a full series on how to lookup someone’s birthday. In the series we explore a number of ways you can try out to achieve that goal; from using search engines, social media, reverse searching with phone numbers and more. This guide, in particular,  will discuss some ways to find someone’s birthday with social security number (SSN).

While most of the content on the site focuses on providing such information for recreational reasons like surprise party or gift, this article is very helpful for those who are also looking to information about a deceased person with a view to lodge a death claim or anything related. In fact, the latter is the key focus of this article, however we do offer recommendations for those looking up this info for recreational reasons. Read on below or watch this video.

A unique social security number is given to every citizen in the United States. This is for the purposes of identification for tax and national insurance. The holder of such a number is expected to keep it confidential to avoid identity theft crimes.

While there are many methods recommended on this site on finding someone’s birthday, this particular one is actually against the law. It is considered a crime to use someone else’s SSN for any background checks or personal information search. The only exception is if the person whose number you are using is decesed. In that case you can use the social security death index discussed later in this article.

So yes, unless the person you are looking up is dead so you are trying to find their personal details for reasons such as insurance claims or anything like that, then do not use that number online to search for their birthday. I know the argument will be, you are just searching for good intensions and not necessarily trying to steal anything or use their identity (identity theft) but still I advise you stay clear of keying that number anywhere online.

Here, below are some articles to consider instead but if the person you are looking up is indeed deceased and you have other reasons to do the search other than things like buying gifts or surprise parties then continue to the next section of the article.

There are a number of sources you can use to find someone’s birthday using a social security number. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Social Security Death Index (SSDI)

This database keeps death records. The Social Security Administration Death Master File comes with detail on approximately 100 million of people who are deceased. These people are those who had SSNs and is only those who death was reported to the United States social security numbers whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration. These records can be accessed on the web from websites like –  for individuals who are members. Free access is available from the following sites;

These sites provided the following information on each decedent. This is the case if the data is available to the SSA:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Social Security Number
  • State issued
  • Birth date
  • Death date
  • Last residence
  • Lump sum payment

Watch this video to learn more about the death index. It’s one of the best out there.

Hire A Private Investigator

If you are truly committed to the process of finding the person’s birth date then you can put your money where you mouth is and hire a PI. Yes, this is offline and comes at a cost but it will get you the results you seek.

Private investigators can search for someone’s birthday using social security number. This is because they have accounts with credit reporting agencies, which you as an individual don’t have access to.  So this means considering the services of a private eye might be a solution to finding the person’s date of birth with a security number. I will not recommend any specific PI because you can find one within your area. Simply Google, Private Investigator near me.

Other Helpful Recommendations

These are some of the ideas you can pursue in trying to find someone’s birthday with social security number. However if you have other personal details of the person then you can try using them instead. I strongly recommend you start the process at the beginning here.