March 26, 2025

How to Find Birth Records from Denmark

The registration of births has not only enabled people to trace back their ancestors but also helped governments in their planning processes. Denmark, just like all countries keep birth records on its citizens. Nowadays anyone can do a genealogy research, or find out the date of birth of a friend, all thanks to the internet. This article will help you on how to find birth records from Denmark.

Denmark is known as a Scandinavian country in northern Europe made up of the Jutland Peninsula and a number of islands. It has Norway, Sweden and Germany on its borders. The official language of Denmark is Danish and the country has a population of about 6 million people. The country has 88 % of its population living in urban areas. The median age in Denmark is at 42 years.

Internet usage in Denmark stands at 98 %. This shows that internet penetration in Denmark is at the highest level. This makes the possibility of having details like vital records (birth, deaths, marriages) on the internet to be very likely. With such a high percentage of internet usage, the government, organizations and the public would take advantage of it.

Date of Birth Search on Facebook in Denmark

Social media users in Denmark make up to 83 % of the population of the country. This means you can look up someone’s date of birth using social media. This of course apply to people who are still alive. Facebook is the leading social media network that is utilized in Denmark with 62 % of social media users in the country using it. It is followed by Pinterest with 16 % users, then Twitter with 7 % users. Instagram has 3 % users in Denmark.

Facebook searches are done on its search bar with a name, username, nickname or email address. With any of these you get results on a lookup. All you have to do is get to the profile of the person and check if they included their date of birth on it.

If this yield no results, you can try going through the individual’s posts that were posted over the past year. They might have mentioned their date of birth, posted photos on it or received messages from well-wishers on their birthday.

How to Obtain a Birth Certificate in Denmark

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark in Australia is responsible for the issuance of birth certificate in the country. Information found on this website would show you how to obtain a copy of a Danish birth certificate if you are in Australia.

There are links and addresses given on the site that you can use to easily land that copy of birth certificate you are after.

Genealogy Birth Records in Denmark

The first parish registers in Denmark were started in the 16th century. They began to be more common around 1650 when the vicars were required by law to record every religious ceremony that was conducted.

Denmark is divided into counties and its genealogical records are stored by geographical location. Each county has a number of districts. These district then have numerous parishes under them.

Civil or vital records such as births, deaths, marriages and divorces as well as church records like baptisms/ christenings, confirmations, marriages and burials were maintained at local level. If you are looking to find these records you need to be aware of the town the person you want to lookup lived.

The following are counties found in Denmark offered by Family Search where you can look up these records:

You can also find a list of parishes found in Denmark from here.

Other sources of birth records in Denmark that you can try from Family Search include the following:

The National Archives of Denmark

The National Archives of Denmark, which are also known as Statens Arkiver – Rigsarkivet is the major archive of Denmark. The archives data include documents written in words and images on the country. With the archives you can learn more about yourself as well as the Danish history.

A site like On Genealogy has more details on the National Archives of Denmark that you might find useful. They cover on the search engines that the National Archives uses for searches. They also have links numerous collections of records that you can search from.

Other birth records sources in Denmark you might try include those suggested on Cyndi’s List, Ancestry and Family Tree.

These tips on how to find birth records from Denmark are comprehensive. They cover on methods to find birth records on people who are alive and even ancestors in Denmark. You only have to pick the type of search you are after and search.