March 29, 2025

How to Find Birth Records in Virginia

Population distribution and ideas on how to best utilize state records are heavily influenced by birth records in a particular state. They are also used as proof of citizenship in that state so as to benefit from any social grants offered. Ways on how to find birth records in Virginia discussed here will not only help individuals but also other legal entities looking to utilize them.

With a population of about 8.6 million, Virginia is located in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern part of the United States. Statewide birth registration began in 1912 in the state.

Birth Records in Virginia

Counties in Virginia were required by law to register births in 1853. It was not all counties that followed this law as some did not register birth on a continuous basis. Births that were registered during the Civil War (1861 – 1865) are partial. Records between 1896 – 1911 were not registered. There are delayed birth records for 1896 – 1912.

The following databases have birth records from this time period:

 Virginia Births (1853 – 1917)

Virginia Slave Births (1853 – 1866)

Virginia Birth Records (1864 – 2014)

You can search for birth record between 1853 – 1896 available on microfilm from the Library of Virginia as well as Family History Library as long as you can estimate the birth year and place. The Virginia Division of Vital Records offers delayed births records for the years 1869 – 1912 for free.

The Virginia Department of Health through the Office of Vital Records started to manage birth records in 1912 in Virginia.

Virginia birth records can be used to process important documents such as personal identification cards, passports and Social Security Numbers. Birth records in Virginia normally has the following details:

  • Child’s full name
  • Gender of the child
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Mother’s full name, including maiden name
  • Father’s full name
  • Single or plural birth
  • Order of birth (if plural)

The father’s full name is not included on the certificate if the parents are not married but a confirmed acknowledgement of fatherhood will have him included in the birth certificate.

Restrictions on Birth Records in Virginia

Anyone can access birth records in Virginia between the years 1853 – 1896 which are found at the Archives Division of the Library of Virginia as microfilms. Certified copies of these certificates are available from Office of Vital Records. For births that took place less than 100 years ago, only the person named on the record and their close family members are allowed to obtain those records.

Below is a list of the individuals who are eligible to obtain these records:

  • The person named on the certificate
  • The parent or grandparent of the person named on the certificate
  • The spouse of the person named on the certificate
  • The child of the person named on the certificate
  • The sibling of the person named on the certificate
  • The legal guardian of the person named on the certificate
  • Any person who has lawful interest in the certificate

Ways to Get Birth Records in Virginia

Virginia Birth Records Online

There are no state-run websites that offer birth records online in Virginia. Nevertheless, applicants who are looking to get birth records online may submit their applications straight to the Office of Vital Records. To request for online records, applicants must first fill in the Application for Certification of a Birth Record form. Applicant are then given an Application Tracking ID as means to monitor application status until the end. There are also approved third party sites that applicants can use for birth records in Virginia.

Records which are over 100 years are considered public records and searchable from third party sites. Searches on third party sites are faster and not limited geographically. All you need to search on them is the full name of the person whose record you want to find and their current location (city, county, state).

However, records from third party sites may differ from those on government sources as they are not sponsored by the government.

Virginia Birth Records in Person

In person applicants stand a chance to obtain the records on the same day at a cheaper price since shipping costs are not included. The Virginia Office of Vital Records offers two methods that in person applicants can use. There is the Two Hour Pick up method whereby applicants who do not want to wait while their application is being processed, can submit their application before 3:00 p.m. and come get it after two hours.

There is also the Application Drop off method whereby applicants can submit their application with required documents in the drop box made possible by the Office of Vital Records before 4:00 p.m. These applications are processed then sent to applicants the following day.

In person applications can be made in Virginia at:

Office of Vital Records
Suite 101 2001 Maywill Street
Richmond, VA 23230

Virginia Birth Records by Mail

Mail applications should be forwarded with necessary supporting documents to:

Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23218-1000

These are some of the ways on how to find birth records in Virginia you can use. There are countless sources of birth records in Virginia as shown by the examples above.