March 29, 2025

How to Find Birth Records in West Virginia

This article will help you with methods on how to find birth records in West Virginia. It is not only the citizens who stand to benefit from the registration of birth records but also the state. It’s true that with birth records citizens are able to register for such important documents like Social Security Number, driver’s license and passports. The state is also able to track population trends and make policies that work for the state.

West Virginia is a state found in the Mid-Atlantic and southeastern parts of the United States with a population of 1.8 million. Statewide birth records registration began in 1917.

Birth Records in West Virginia

Although statewide birth registration began in 1917, compliance with this was achieved in 1925. The law that demanded counties to register births in West Virginia was passed in 1853, only 15 % of births were recorded until 1879. Births that were recorded from 1890 to 1920 were 65 % and in 1917, statewide birth registration was introduced.

The following database have birth records from this time period:

West Virginia Division of Culture and History (1853 – 1930)

West Virginia birth records has the following information on them:

  • Date of birth
  • Time of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Child’s full name
  • Mother’s name
  • Father’s name
  • Child’s gender
  • Type of birth
  • Mother’s marital status
  • Birth registration number

Birth Records Restrictions in West Virginia

Only a few people are allowed to obtain certified copies of birth records in West Virginia who are the following:

  • The record owner if they are 18 years or older or are liberated by court order or marriage
  • The mother and father as mentioned on the certificate or current stepparent of the person listed on the certificate
  • Mother-in-law and father-in-law of the person listed on the certificate
  • Son-in-law and daughter-in-law of the person listed on the certificate
  • The spouse of the person listed on the certificate
  • The children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of the person listed on the certificate (including half and step relationships)
  • Grandparents and great-grandparents of the person listed on the certificate
  • The brothers or sisters of the person listed on the certificate (including half and step relationships)
  • Legal guardian (will be required to provide a copy of guardianship papers)
  • Any person who has an official interest in the certificate or an accredited government agency

In order to obtain birth records in West Virginia applicants are required to produce copies of valid photo identification documents. The following are identification documents that are accepted in West Virginia:

  • A state-issued driver’s license
  • United States or foreign passports
  • Military ID
  • Photo-ID cards from a government-issued supported program

The Office of Vital Statistics accept the following documents in cases whereby the above listed documents are unavailable:

  • Major credit card
  • Motor vehicle registration card
  • State social services program card
  • A current utility bill in the name of the individual who is requesting the certificate

On top of providing proper identification, applicants are expected to provide the following information on the record owner:

  • The name of the individual listed on the record as it appears on the record
  • Their date of birth
  • The mother’s full maiden name and the father’s full name
  • The city and county of where the birth took place
  • Sex/ gender of the individual listed on the record
  • The place of birth (city, county, state, and hospital)
  • Applicant’s relationship to the individual listed on the record

Ways to Get Birth Records in West Virginia

Birth records are available to eligible individuals in West Virginia provided they present proper identification, required information and payment of required fees. There are ways to obtain birth records online, in person and through the mail in the state.

Obtaining Birth Records Online in West Virginia

There is no platform that has been set up by the state of West Virginia to lookup birth records online. However, applicants can get birth records from third party vendor which the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources has partnered with. Payments can be made using debit or credit cards for online applications.

Third party sites are considered a good place to begin a search as they are not limited by location or search methods. Searches are possible with a full name and location (city, county, state).

Third party sites may have data that differ from that from government sources as they are not government sponsored.

Obtaining Birth Records in Person in West Virginia

If you are looking to get birth records in West Virginia, you can visit the Office of Vital Statistics at:

Vital Registration
Room 165
350 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301-3701

Applicants are expected to come with proper identification and necessary fees when visit the office.

Obtaining Birth Records by Mail in West Virginia

Applicants who are looking to get birth records through the mail in West Virginia must:

These documents are to be mail to:

Vital Registration
Room 165
350 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301-3701

For ways on how to find birth records in West Virginia, you have an answer with these methods. These methods can help you locate both new and old records in the state.