February 22, 2025

How to Find Birth Records in Wyoming

Wyoming, just all the other states in the United States, keeps birth records. You might be wondering how to find birth records in the state. There are ways on how to find birth records in Wyoming that you can try.

With a population around 600 000, Wyoming is located in the mountain west part of the western United States. The state of Wyoming began statewide birth registration in 1909.

Birth Records in Wyoming

Even though statewide birth registration began in 1909 in the state, compliance with this was achieved in 1922. Only a few counties managed to record births in Wyoming before 1909. These records are not complete. There are also delayed birth records that you can find in the state. There are no indexes that are complete on birth records in Wyoming at the moment that you can find online.

You can get in touch with the appropriate county court clerk if you are looking to find early county records in Wyoming. A list of the counties found in the state is found online.

For Wyoming delayed birth records, you can try the Wyoming State Archives.

Information found on birth records in Wyoming birth certificates is:

  • Full name of the child
  • Child’s gender/ sex
  • Place and date of birth
  • Type of birth
  • Date and place of birth registration
  • Birth registration number
  • Parents’ names including mother’s maiden name
  • Mother’s marital status

Birth records in Wyoming are used to prove legal identity and serve as proof of citizenship. In Wyoming, birth records also serve as means to obtain driver’s license, passports, Social Security Numbers, claim insurance benefits and confirm relation to long lost family members.

Wyoming Birth Records Restrictions

Birth records in Wyoming become public records after 100 years has elapsed after the birth occurred. If that’s not the case, then they are only available to a few eligible individuals. Only the following are permitted to obtain copies of birth certificates in Wyoming:

  • Registrant (record owner) as long as they are of legal age (18 years or older)
  • One of the parents listed on the record
  • Lawful guardian of the record owner with court-ordered guardianship papers
  • Attorney representing the record owner or their parent

Proper legal identification is needed when applying for birth records in Wyoming. Identification documents that are accepted by the Wyoming Vital Statistics Services include:

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport Card
  • Retired or Dependent Military ID
  • State ID Card
  • Tribal ID
  • S. Concealed Weapons Permit
  • Passport
  • Consular Card
  • State or Federal Prison Corrections ID

Individuals who are looking to obtain birth records in Wyoming are expected to provide the following information on the record owner:

  • The full name of the record owner
  • The date and place of birth
  • The full names of both parents of the record owner (including the mother’s maiden name)
  • The signature of the record owner, their parent, or a legal guardian (with supporting documents)

Ways to Obtain Birth Records in Wyoming

Birth records that are available from the Vital Statistics Services are for those births that took place in Wyoming. Counties’ registrars where the birth took place are the first to register births and the Vital Statistics Office comes second. Birth records can be received within two days in Wyoming when requested in person or by mail.

There is no platform that the Vital Statistics Services use to provide copies of birth records online. There are also no third party websites that have partnered with Wyoming to offer birth records on the web.  So applicants have no way of requesting or obtaining copies of birth records online.

In Person Birth Records in Wyoming

To obtain birth records in Wyoming in person applicants must download, print and fill in the Request for Certified Copy a Wyoming Vital Records form. After its completion, it is to be brought to:

Vital Statistics Services
2300 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002

The office operates from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm in the afternoon during week days. Its only on Wednesday that they close at 12:00 pm. Applicants are to bring with them the proper identification documents mentioned above plus necessary payment for the records to be processed.

Mail Birth Records in Wyoming

Applicants who are looking to find birth records in Wyoming through the mail must first download, print and fill in the Request for Certified Copy a Wyoming Vital Records form. After filling it, it must be submitted with a copy of a valid photo identification document and payment in the form of a money order or check. This must all be enclosed in a self-addressed envelope which must be stamped then mailed to:

Vital Statistics Services
2300 Capitol Avenue
Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-7591

These are some of the choices you have on how to find birth records in Wyoming. Even though there is no way to get birth records online, with the walk in and mail options, you can still achieve your goal.