March 28, 2025

How to Find Out Birth Weight

Records on births are a legal obligation to be kept by all health professionals no matter how healthy the baby may look. Birth weight is also part of those records. This article will look at tips on how to find out birth weight. Information like this is available online as you can also learn how to find out someone’s birthday.

There are a number of ways you can arrive a baby’s weight. This is information that is in demand for an obstetrician. This is because if the weight is big, then there is risk of injuries to both the mother and the child. So if the doctor is aware of the weight, he will be able to know how to deliver the baby.

New born babies have different sizes out there. Some are slim and tall while others are short and chubby. No matter their shape or size, babies weight needs to be monitored by parents as they are special and unique.

How to Predict your New-born’s Weight

Baby weight on unborn babies is normally predicted using an ultrasound. There is another way to predict baby weight using a mathematical equation. It has been researched and proven to be more effective than the ultrasound. It does not require trained staff, equipment and uses information from the mother’s records. Doctors can find the weight information in minutes with it.

The key to it working properly is knowing exactly how long the pregnancy has been. The equation stands like this:

Birth weight (g) = gestational age (days) x (9.38 + 0.264 x fetal sex + 0.000233 x maternal height [cm] x maternal weight at 26.0 weeks [kg] + 4.62 x 3rd-trimester maternal weight gain rate [kg/d]] x [number of previous births + 1]).

So if you are good at math, then this is the equation for finding birth weight of an unborn child.

Weight Calculator


The Weight Calculator is appropriate for infants as they grow from stage to stage in monitoring their weight progress. Weight can help assess better the progress made by a child to shape their welfare as they grow. This tool can be utilized from birth until the child reaches 3 years of age.

It is not conducive for low birth weight and pre-term babies since they need a different method.

It is common for parents to compare and contrast their baby’s weight and height with other kids of the same age. This will in turn give them a sense of whether the growth of their baby is normal or not. They can also use standard growth charts. It is ideal for parents to keep a chart of their baby’s growth.

Differences between the growth of babies can be attributed to race and ethnic variations. The growth may not be the same in that regard but the World Health Organization (WHO) standard has a tool that can help monitor the ever changing growth rate in young children.

It has shown that children that are from healthy environments with proper feeding practices have identical growth patterns all over the world.

There are numerous sources of charts that can help parents keep track of their child’s growth on the internet. You can use Google to find these charts or any of the leading search engines out there such as Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo.

How to Find your Birth Weight

It might happen that you are looking for a source where you can find your birth weight. The start can be your parents, if they are around. They might remember how much you weighed as a new born. If they are not around, you can ask your guardian or close relative.

If this yield no results you can get in touch with the hospital where you were born. They do keep such records. You will need to produce enough identification to gain access to the records. It is possible that they are in your medical records too which you can find with your doctor.

With these suggestion, you are equipped on how to find birth weight. There are many reasons that may lead one to lookup such information but the important part is being able to find it. With these tips you are equipped to find birth weight on an unborn baby, a body who is growing up and information on your own birth weight.