January 22, 2025

How To Find out Someone Birthday Without Asking them

You might be looking to find a special gift for someone or are looking to show someone how special they are to you. Asking them directly might ruin the surprise. What better way to show someone that you care about than the day they grace this world. This guide will show you how Find out Someone Birthday Without Asking them.

Let’s take a look at these 10 methods. Note that we assume you are going to be using the information for good and not to do evil. People are protected by privacy laws and you should respect them at all times.

1. Get their ID

The first thing you need to know is the person’s identity. You can do this by getting their identification card from them. This include their driving license card too. ID cards are sensitive items and people usually don’t leave them lying around. If you find it then great but if you don’t you can ask to see their ID card photo.

Tell them you want to compare the photo with how they look now or compare theirs with yours. Whatever way you use, IDs are a perfect way to find someone’s birthday without asking them. Truth be told, only a few people are proud to show off their official identity photos. So you may need to try more options below.

Also try this: how to find someone’s birthday using public records

2. Ask Friends

If you share friends or know the person’s friends, you can ask them directly. They are mostly likely to know it. You can either call, text or meet them in person. This also extends to family members. If you know any of them, they can prove useful in such circumstances.

They also can help you get the information from the person too. They might have access to documents or other sources that have it. Another thought is to actually trick the friend themselves; talk about who is older between them and the person whose birthday you are trying to find. People tend to give more detail in a casual conversation without even realizing it.

3. Check Birth Certificate

This might prove to be a long shot but If you really want to Find out Someone Birthday Without Asking them, then you can check their official documents.

For example, you can go to a government office and request a copy of their birth certificate. However, keep in mind that this process can take time. They might need you to provide identification and enough reason to lookup such information. Of course the rules vary from state to state in the US concerning this. Most states will provide this information to parents and other close relatives only.

You can review this article here for more information.

4. Find & Check Their C.V.

A common trick is to find their CV. It is easy to source this because most people never really think of the personal details written in this document when sharing it.. You can use this document to learn a lot about the person without them even realising it.  So you may simply request a copy pretending to be updating yours or provide any reason that will make them share it with you.

You may also try your luck by searching for the CV online. Sites like careerbuilder.com, dice.com, ziprecruiter.com are great sources of CV information. People post their CVs on them when looking for jobs. A social media network like LinkedIn is another source worth considering.

Also, you can use their CV to get some information about their interests and hobbies. This is a bonus is you are now looking for birthday party ideas.

5. Start a Topic on Zodiacs

One of the most effective methods to trick people into telling you their birthdays is to start a conversation about astrology.

People love discussing topics such as astrology because it gives them a chance to share their thoughts and feelings. When you start a conversation about astrological signs, you will be able open up to other people. Keep in mind that some people are totally against astrology due to various reasons such as religion. So when engaging them on this topic tread very carefully lest you cause some tension between the two of you.

6. Ask if they Share a Birthday with Someone Famous

A lot of people are proud of the celebrities or famous people they share birthdays with. Asking them a celebrity who share a birthday with them would not even raise any suspicion. If they give you a name of that famous person, you can then look them up to find the date of birth.

7. Check their Calendar

People usually mark their special days on calendars. So checking them out might help you find that birthday you are looking for. You can also check their calendars on their phones. They might have marked the special day there too.  There is a great article on how to find someone’s birthday by phone number that you can check out for more information about this.

If you are not familiar with this then check out this video below

8. Ask them on a Trip or Date

Asking the person for a trip or date on their birthday can be one way to trick someone into revealing their date of birth. People might be willing to give their birthday information in such a situation as they might be looking forward to such an event.

9. Start a Conversation Around Birthdays

Starting a conversation related to birthdays might be just what you need to fish that birthday you are searching for. You can ask them where they celebrated their last birthday. What kind of weather do they prefer on such a day as a birthday? Which season would they prefer their birthday to be on?

Generally speaking, people love to talk about themselves, especially their personal stuff.  So it is easy to get them to slip out the exact detail you might be looking for.  In this article, we will show you how to trick people into telling you their birthdays without ever having to ask them directly.

10. Check their Social Media Handles

A large number of the world’s population is affiliated to numerous social media platforms. It might happen that the person whose date of birth you are looking for is a member of them. It is common practicing for people to be affiliated to more than one social network site.

You might consider checking out a number of them on your search. The commonly used social networks around the world are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Myspace and more. Users are able to include their date of birth information on them I they are willing.

 Other Ways To Find out Someone Birthday Without Asking them

  • How to find someone’s birthday on Google – The simplest thing to do is to go to Google and search for the person’s details. This article will provide you all the information you need on how to go about doing that.
  • People search sites for finding birthdays – There are some websites that are specifically designated for looking up information about people. Some of these people search sites are come free of charge some as a paid service. It will be up to you to decide which ones you want to use.
  • How to find someone’s birthday on Facebook – Social media provides a wealth of information about individuals. This is because these platforms are the the only places where people willingly share information without thinking too much. We recommend you start you search on Facebook.

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