March 29, 2025

How to Find Out the Moon Phase on Your Birthday

There are communities who rely on the Lunar Calendar around the world. The lunar calendar is a great way to keep track of time and events, but it can be confusing for beginners. This article will cover on methods on how to find out the moon phase on your birthday. There are many free birthday lookup activities that are possible online.

The moon is a celestial body that orbits Earth and has an effect on our lives, from tides to agriculture. The moon’s phases are caused by its orbit around Earth, which takes about 27 days. This means that it will take approximately 29½ days for the moon to go through all of its phases.

The lunar month (also known as lunation) is the time between two consecutive new moons. It begins when the full moon appears in the sky and ends when the next new moon occurs. The length of each lunar month depends upon where you live on Earth. For example, if you live near the equator, your lunar months are longer than those who live at higher latitudes. In general, the lunar month is 28 days long. However, there are exceptions.

Some lunar months have 29 or 30 days. These extra days are added because they occur during a leap year. Leap years occur every four years and are determined using a complicated formula based on the number or 29 days long. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, some cultures have lunar months that are shorter than their solar counterparts.

Also, some lunar months are longer than others. An example of this would be the lunar month of Qabar. This lunar month lasts 31 days instead of the usual 30. The difference comes from the fact that Qabar is the first month of Ramadan, which lasts 30 days. So, if we add 30 days onto the end of Qabar, we get a total of 31 days.

Phases of the Moon


The Moon has phases that change over its cycle. These include: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter, Third Quarter, and Total Eclipse.

New Moon

A New Moon occurs when the Moon is at a point in its orbit where it is closest to Earth. This means that the Moon appears as a crescent or gibbous shape. It also means that the Sun and Moon appear aligned in the sky.

First Quarter

As the name implies, this phase occurs when the Moon is halfway between the Earth and the Sun. During this phase, the Moon looks like a thin disk.

Full Moon

A Full Moon occurs when the Moon reaches its farthest point from the Earth. At this point, the Moon appears completely illuminated by sunlight.

Last Quarter

During the last quarter, the Moon’s orbit takes it farther away from the Earth than during any other phase. As such, the Moon appears smaller and dimmer.

Third Quarter

This phase occurs when the Moon reaches the furthest point from the Earth. The Moon then begins to shrink again until it becomes invisible.

Total Eclipse

An eclipse happens when the Moon passes through the shadow cast by the Earth. When this happens, the Moon will look dark and the Sun will look bright.

What is the difference between the moon phases?


In astronomy, there are four different types of moon phases: New Moon, First Quarters, Full Moons, and Last Quarters. Each one represents a different stage in the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.

When does the Moon rise?

The Moon rises each night at approximately the same time. However, the Moon rises higher in the sky as we approach the Spring Equinox (March 20th) and lower in the sky as we near the Autumnal Equinox (September 22nd).

Lunar Calendar and the Phases of the Moon

There are many different ways to calculate the phases of the Moon. Some use the Gregorian Calendar while others use the Julian Calendar. The Gregorian Calendar was created in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. In 1752, the Julian Calendar was adopted as the official calendar used by most countries.

Calculating the Moon Phase with the Gregorian Calendar

To calculate the Moon Phase with the Julian Calendar, simply add 11 days to the date of the event. For example, if someone wants to know when the next total lunar eclipse will occur, they would add 11 days to March 21st. This gives them the date of April 2nd.

Moon Phases with the Gregorian Calendar:

Date | Moon Phase | Day of Week | Month



New Moon





First Quarter



You can also use the Moon Phase Calculator to find out more on the phases of the moon. You can find a number of them online rom searching on any search engine.

These ideas can be used on how to find out the moon phase on your birthday. This will depend on which Lunar calendar you have selected as they are not the same.