March 26, 2025

How to Find Out Your Spirit Animal by Birthday

Many people do wonder what type of animal relate to them. There are many ways to find that out but we are going to look at how to find your spirit animal by birthday on this article. The internet can also be handy on how to find out someone’s birthday too.

What is a Spirit Animal?


What is your spirit animal? It’s the animal that represents you in this lifetime, and it can be anything from an actual wild creature to something more abstract like a symbol or even a feeling.

There are many different ways of finding out what your spirit animal is. Some people have had their spirit animals since childhood, while others may not know about them until they start to get into meditation and spiritual practices.

There are two main types of spirit animals: Totem Animals and Guardian Angels.

Totem Animals are those which represent us as children in our past lives. They are usually associated with certain places and times in our life. For example, if we were born on December 25th, then Christmas trees would be one of our totem animals. If we were born during the winter months, then snowflakes would be another.

Guardian Angels are those who watch over us and protect us throughout our entire lifetimes. These angels are often depicted as winged creatures, but there are also other forms such as guardian lions, eagles, owls, etc.

The reason why we have these animals is because they are related to some part of our soul. The animals themselves don’t really matter so much; what matters is how they relate to us.

For example, if we were raised by wolves, then we might feel connected to wolves forever. Other examples include being raised by cats, dogs, horses, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, squirrels, turtles, snakes, frogs, fish, birds, butterflies, bees, spiders, etc.

How to Find Your Spirit Animal


If you want to find out what your spirit animal could be, here are three methods for doing so.


This method requires you to read books about animals, and see what comes up when you do so. This includes looking at pictures of animals, reading stories about them, watching videos of them, etc. You should look for any similarities between yourself and the animals you come across.

Dream Analysis

This method involves interpreting dreams about animals. There are many different ways to interpret dreams, including Jungian analysis, dream dictionaries, symbolic meanings, etc.


This method involves meditating about animals. While you meditate, try to think about all the things that you associate with each animal. Do you love them? Hate them? Are you afraid of them? Is there anything else special about them?

Once you’ve thought about all of these things, then you can decide whether or not you believe that they are your spirit animal.

You can use any of these methods, or combine them together to find out what your animal is.

Spirit Animal According to Your Birthday

According to astrology, every person has a unique birth chart, which shows where they fall within the zodiac. Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by a particular element – fire, air, earth, water, and ether.

Each sign is further divided into 12 houses. A house represents a specific area of life, such as career, marriage, health, travel, education, spirituality, etc.

Each house is ruled by a planet, which represents a specific aspect of life. Each planet rules two signs, and the ruler of each sign governs the corresponding house.

There is no way to tell which sign will govern your birth year without knowing your exact date of birth. However, it does help to know which sign is most closely associated with you.

For example, if you’re born in the month of February, then your birthday falls under the sign of Pisces.

Zodiac and Birth Animal Spirit

Here are some interesting facts about the zodiac and its relationship to our animal spirits.

  • Aries (March 21-April 19): The ram. Ram is an ancient symbol of strength, power, and virility. It also represents bravery and courage.
  • Taurus (April 20-May 20): The bull. Bulls represent fertility, prosperity, and wealth. They also represent protection, patience, and faithfulness.
  • Gemini (May 21-June 20): The twins. Twins represent duality, balance, and harmony. They also represent communication, friendship, and creativity.
  • Cancer (June 21-July 22): The crab. Crabs represent hard work, determination, and ambition. They also represent loyalty and honesty.
  • Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): The lion. Lions represent leadership, pride, and honor. They also represent selflessness and generosity.
  • Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The virgin. Virgin represents purity, chastity, and modesty. It also represents healing, compassion, and service.
  • Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The scales. Scales represent justice, fairness, and equality. They also represent diplomacy, cooperation, and compromise.
  • Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The scorpion. Scorpions represent passion, sexuality, and sensuality. They also represent revenge, jealousy, and greed.
  • Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The archer. Archer represents freedom, adventure, and enlightenment. It also represents truth, integrity, and wisdom.
  • Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The goat. Goats represent money, success, and materialism. They also represent stubbornness, obstinacy, and ego.
  • Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The water bearer. Water bearers represent peace, serenity, and tranquility. They also represent intuition, imagination, and spirituality.
  • Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): The fish. Fish represents abundance, luck, and prosperity. They also represent dreams, fantasy, and inspiration.

Each sign has its own unique characteristics that can be used as a guide for finding out what kind of spirit animal you have. You may find yourself drawn to certain animals more than others, or you might feel like you don’t fit any particular type. Either way, these signs can provide insight into how you relate to other people and the world around you.

These tips will be helpful on how to find out your animal spirit by birthday. The Zodiac signs are your best choice when it comes to what animal represent your birthday, whilst the other choices may shed some light on how you can choose one yourself.