March 27, 2025

How to Find Someone’s Birthday Using Public Records

This article is part of a series on how to find someone’s birthday. The series is made for all the possible reasons you could be looking up the DOB from recreational purposes like birthday surprises to more formal ones like death claims and genealogy search. This article in particular sheds some light on how and when to use public records databases to find a birth date.

So if you are looking for ways on how to find someone birthday using public records then let’s explore the possibility of using these effectively.

Where To Find Public Records

These records are kept at the vital statistics of each state. To find one for the person’s you will need to know the state in which they were born and contact that office. You can find address details of the office from the National Center for Health Statistics where the vital stats offices are listed. Another idea is to Google their contacts.

Restrictions for ordering birth certificates

What you need to know is that births that occurred within a certain number of years are confidential and not available to the public. You can check each state for these details. For example, Florida these are not publicly accessible for 100 years, Alabama for something like 125 years. Of course you can request these records but you can only do it under certain conditions. Below are types conditions that have been adopted by most states;

  • You have to be the one in the certificate, which means it’s yours.
  • It can be a parent or a grandparent of the person on the birth certificate
  • It can be children or a child of the person on the certificate
  • The spouse of the person on the certificate
  • It can the person’s brother or sister
  • It can even be a legal guardian of the person on the certificate
  • Anyone who has legal interest in the certificate

This means if you are serious about getting the person’s DOB then you need to get in touch with any of the following people and ask them to do it for you. Or else using this public records route will see you waiting 100 years to gain free access without terms and conditions.

Public Records Websites

Now that we have clarified how you can find someone’s birthday using public records, let us review some sites that you can use to find this information.

  • PublicRecordsCenter – This site claims to be the largest database of birth records in the US. Give it a try and if it is not helpful then come back to check out the rest below.
  • Vitalcheck – You can use this site to simply order any record including the birth records
  • – This site comes with a search feature and a host of information about vital records.

These are not the only sites out there. There a number of them that you can check out. Some will charge you a fee and some will not charge anything. You just need to look around for the one that works for you.

Offline Birthday Searches

There are some vital records that have not make it to the internet yet. There are also those who will probably not make it due to different challenges. An example can be lack of finance to conduct such an activity.

In such an instance, if you are looking to find birth records on someone offline you will need to either call or visit the places that might keep such records.

These places include hospitals, birth announcements on newspapers, state of county offices or church records (if you know where the person was born). Calling or visiting these places in person can do the trick. You will be needed to provide enough motive to be eligible to access these records.

Other Birthday Lookup Recommendations

Since it has now been established that you can’t find someone’s birthday with public records if you are not a sibling, spouse parent or a  grandparent then it means you will need to consider other search options. Below is a list of our recommendations. Take a few minutes to explore one or two of them.

  1. How to find someone’s birthday using their phone number: if you know the phone number of the person then you can use it to do a reverse search.
  2. How to find someone’s birthday on Google – in this guide, we offer  a variety of tips on how to use Google to lookup someone’s birthday. It really is a faster way to search than trying to use Public records.
  3. How to find someone’s birthday on Gmail – here is one of the neat tricks if you know the person’s Gmail ID or you have access to their logged on Google account.