March 26, 2025

How to Find Someone’s Birthday Without Social Media


Social media sites have been an incredible reliable source of information since their inception. You can find information on them like date of birth, email addresses, education background, occupation photos, interests, posts and much more. It was easy to go to them for a free birthday lookup. This article will look at ways on how to find someone’s birthday without social media.

There are a number of ways you can uncover someone’s birthday online without using social media. We will look at those ways and how to go about them on this article. No matter the circumstances that led you to seek that birthday information, these ideas have got you covered.

Google as a Birthday Search Option


We all know Google’s capabilities when it comes to searches. This is one search engines that is more of a ‘know it all’ source. A search from here might give you the desired outcome. All you have to do is enter the name of the person on Google’s search bar and search. You will be given all results related to that name from Google’s database.

Common names are a challenge when you search with them. They tend to bring forth a huge amount of results that you cannot exhaust. In order to solve this, you will need to add extra details on your search. This can be age, location, middle name, occupation, school, college, interests. This will help separate them from others and narrow down your results.

If you have any other information such as social security number, phone number or residential address with you, you can use them to search with. These will give you a more accurate outcome than a name search.

You can also try a lookup from other renown search engines like Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo using the same criteria.

Zabasearch Birthday Search

There are websites intentionally designed to offer people searches online. Zabasearch is such a site. This site has a good record of finding information on people. Possible results from a free search on Zabasearch are name, age and partial phone numbers.

To search for someone’s birthday for free on Zabasearch:

  • Go to
  • There are two types of searches offered on the site (People Search and Reverse Phone Search).
  • Choose the type of search you want to conduct.
  • Fill in your search details on the search box that you have chosen and press ‘Search’.
  • Zabasearch will return all information they have on your search term.

If you are lucky, a date of birth information may be among the results. For more detailed reports on the site, you will need to upgrade to a paid background check report. This offers more information on someone than a free search.

Other sites that offer similar types of searches are Intelius, Spokeo, Pipl and Been Verified.

Find Someone Birthday with Find My Past


Find My Past is an essential resource for birth, marriage and death records going way back to the 1700s. This site allows users to build family trees, search for family records, free genealogy records and more.

To search from Find My Past records for birthday information:

  • Go to
  • Enter the name of the person on the search bar and search.
  • From the results, try to find the information you are looking for.

If you are looking for a detailed report from this site, you can take advantage of the free trial or take the subscription.

Sites that offer similar services are Ancestry, Family Search and Archives Gov.

Offline Methods

There are other methods you can try to find someone’s birthday that do not require the use of the internet.

You can start by asking mutual friends for the date of birth. It might happen that one of them is familiar with it. If not, they might offer to find out for you. If you are looking to surprise the person, it might be worth mentioning to your mutual friends so they might not ruin it by letting the person know. You might also ask the person’s relatives if there are any that you know.

You can try finding out from the person themselves. If you have recently met and they never told you their date of birth, you might ask them directly.

Another method might be to get the person to give you clues about their birthday. You can ask them the most memorable birthday they ever had. Ask about the season and time.

You can also start topics around birthdays. Talk about what time of the year is best for a birthday, for example. They might reveal when their birthday is.

You can ask to see their, ID or drivers licence. Tell them you want to compare how they look on it versus real life.

These are some of the ideas on how to find someone’s birthday without social media. There are methods you can try online and offline.