March 26, 2025

How to Find Your Birthday According to Islamic Calendar

You can find out when your Islamic birthday is online. This guide is aimed at giving you tips on how to find your birthday according to Islamic Calendar. This is one way on how to find someone’s birthday online.

Allah says in the Holy Quran: “And We have sent down unto thee the Book, confirming what was before it; thou didst do justice and practice kindness towards those who had been given knowledge, until there came to thee that which thy Lord promised unto thee, and His messengers whom He sent before thee, and they brought thee clear proofs from their Lord, so that thou mightiest become righteous;”


In this verse Allah has mentioned three things about finding one’s birth date according to Islam. The first thing he mentions is that we are born with certain characteristics. For example, if someone were born during Ramadan or fasting month then they will be blessed by God for being pious. If someone were born during the month of pilgrimage, such as Makkah, then they would be blessed by God because they visited the holy city. And if someone were born during the last ten days of Shawwal, then they will be blessed for having good deeds recorded in their books.

Secondly, Allah tells us that we should practice goodness and righteousness. In other words, we should not commit sins. Thirdly, Allah tells us that his prophet (pbuh) gave us clear proofs. These clear proofs are found in the verses of the Holy Quran.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar-based calendar, which means that it has 12 months and 30 days in each month. The first day of the year is called Muharram (Arabic for “the beginning”) and marks the start of the new year.

The Islamic Calendar

The Islamic calendar is used by Muslims all over the world. The word “Hijri” comes from the Arabic language meaning “the lunar calendar” or “lunar date”. The Hijri calendar was created by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as). He wanted to create a new calendar for Muslims because the Julian calendar did not match the seasons well. The Hijri Calendar has twelve lunar months, which have 29 or 30 days. Each month starts on the first day of the lunar crescent phase. There are two types of lunar phases, waxing and waning. During the waxing phase, the moon appears larger than it does during the waning phase.

The Hijri Calendar begins on Muharram 10 AH. In other words, the beginning of the Islamic calendar falls on the birthday of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

How to Calculate Your Islamic Birthdate


The Islamic calendar starts on the 1st day of Muharram and ends on the last day of Rajab. It is based on the phases of moon. Each month begins with the appearance of the crescent moon after sunset, and ends with its disappearance.

The Islamic Calendar (Hijri) is a lunar-based calendar that starts at the Hijra, or migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE. The Islamic year consists of 12 months and each month has 30 days.

The Islamic Calendar is different from other calendars as it counts its years using the hijrah instead of the birth of Jesus Christ. It also uses the moon for timekeeping rather than the sun.

Islamic Calendar Dates

Islamic New Year: 1 Muharram 1433 AH – 11 Muharram 1440 AH

Islamic Birthdays: 2 Jumada I 1433 AH – 15 Jumada II 1434 AH

Islamic Death Days: 16 Jumada II 1435 AH – 18 Jumada III 1436 AH

Islamic Wedding Anniversary: 19 Rajab 1437 AH – 20 Rajab 1438 AH

Islamic Birthday: 21 Shawwal 1439 AH – 22 Shawwal 1440 AH

Islamic Eid Al Fitr: 23 Dhu al Qa’dah 1441 AH – 24 Dhu al Qa’dah 1442 AH

Islamic Eid Al Adha: 25 Dhul Hijjah 1443

The Birth Date Calculator

The Birth Date Calculator is designed to help you calculate your birthdate according to the Islamic calendar. You can enter your birthdate and click “Calculate” button to instantly get your result. It also allows you to change your birthdate by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the field where you inputted your birthdate.

You can find more such tools on the internet from leading search engines like Bing. These are the tips that can help you on how to find your birthday according to Islamic calendar.