January 22, 2025

How to Find Your Birthday in the Bible

You might be wondering what date in the bible coincides with your birthday. This article will look at the options on how to find your birthday in the Bible. There are many ways to a birthday lookup free of charge activity on the web.

What is the Bible?

The Bible is a Holy Book used by Christians as a guide to live their lives by. It contains stories about God’s love and forgiveness for mankind. The Bible tells how God sent his only son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.

It also teaches us about being good people and living a righteous life.

There are many different versions of the Bible. All these versions have been translated into English by Christian scholars. These translations differ slightly because they were written by different authors at different times.


However, there are some parts of the Bible that don’t change no matter which version you read. For example, the part called the “Gospel” (which means ‘good news’) doesn’t change. This Gospel story has always told about Jesus’ birth, death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.

There are other parts of the Bible that do change depending on which version you choose to read. For example, if you read the King James Version, you’ll learn about the Ten Commandments. If you read the New International Version, you’ll learn more about the Old Testament prophets.

The Hebrew Calendar

The Hebrew Calendar was used by ancient Hebrews. The Jewish Calendar was derived from the Hebrew Calendar. The Hebrew Calendar began in the year 4761 BC, during creation week.

The Hebrew Calendar divided time into 12 months; each month had 30 days. Each day started with sunset and ended with sunrise.

The first month of the Hebrew calendar begins after the winter solstice. In the spring, the sun starts increasing its height. By late summer, the sun reaches its peak around September 22nd. Then, the days start getting shorter again until the December 21st, when the winter solstice occurs.

The Hebrew Calendar repeats itself every 5,845 years. It completes one cycle in 365 days. So, a complete cycle takes approximately 69 years.

The Hebrew Calendar is also known as the lunar calendar. Because the moon affects the tides of the ocean, the phases of the moon affect the seasons of the year.

The lunar phase is determined by the position of the Moon relative to Earth. As the Moon moves closer to Earth, the Moon appears larger in size. When the Moon is closest to Earth, it is full. When the Moon is furthest away from Earth, it is new.

The lunar phase lasts for approximately 2 weeks. At the end of the lunar phase, the Moon enters another phase. This process continues until the next lunar phase.

The lunar phase is important because it determines the beginning of the agricultural season. Farmers use the lunar phase to determine when to plant crops.

Dates Found in the Bible


There are numerous of dates listed in the Bible. It’s just that they had a different calendar than we do. They calculated years not by BCE and CE, but based on the number of years the current king had reigned. They also used a different system of months and days than us.

It is at times difficult to convert those dates into dates on our calendar, reason being, the Hebrews used a lunar calendar while we use a solar calendar. The Bible contents weren’t written based on our calendar but were written by and to people who used ancient calendars.

You can easily locate such content all over the Old Testament. One example is Jeremiah 52:7, which give the dates of the breach of the walls of Jerusalem to the 11th year of the reign of Zedekiah, the 9th day of the 4th month. One translation, the NLT, dates this as equivalent to July 18. Most scholars agree this corresponds to the year 587 or 586 BCE.

Here are a few examples from the New Testament:

Luke 3:1 says that John the Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. This is about AD 29.

The Gospels all give dates for Jesus’ crucifixion in relation to the Passover. All Jews are familiar with when the Passover was, just like we are familiar with when Christmas is. That was all they needed to know.

The Gospel of John is another example that dates certain events of Jesus’ ministry based on Jewish feasts, which, again, everyone was familiar with.

Acts 2 occurred on Pentecost, which is a holiday 50 days after the Passover. It also mentions some of the reigning governors and emperors of that time. This has enabled both the ancients and us to estimate when some of the events in the New Testament happened.

How to Find Your Birthday According to the Bible


There are several ways to do this, but none is perfect. The best way depends on what you want to know about each date. For example, if you want to find out when a specific event happened, then you’ll need to figure out which book it’s mentioned in.

If you just want to see how many days there were between two dates, then you don’t even have to worry about books or chapters. You could use a simple formula like “days (between start date and end date) + 1” to get the number of days.

However, if you’re trying to figure out when something was written, then you might be better off using software to help you with that. There are several programs available that will calculate the date from any text, including the Bible. Here are some examples:


This program has an option to search through the Bible for a particular verse. It also calculates the day of the week and year when a verse was written.


This program allows you to enter a verse and click a button to get all the information about the verse. It also includes a calendar where you can view the different events that occurred during the year.


This program allows you enter a verse and click on a button to get all kinds of information about the verse. Some of the features include a calendar, a timeline, and a list of people who lived at the time.

If you want to learn more about these programs, I would recommend visiting a search engine to look them up.

These are some of the ways on how to find your birthday in the Bible. They may not be straight forward since the Ancient Hebrews used special days and reigns of kings and emperors to measure dates.