March 29, 2025

How to Find Your Birthday on the Aztec Calendar

There are ways online on how to find your birthday on the Aztec calendar. This calendar was used by Aztec people and the people of central Mexico, a long time ago. This is one of the ways on how to find out someone’s birthday using the internet.

The Aztecs were an ancient people who lived in Mexico and Central America from approximately 1200 BC to 1521 AD, when they were conquered by Spanish conquistadors. The Aztecs used a complex calendar system that was based on the movements of the sun, moon, stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. They also had a highly developed mathematical system for calculating time periods and dates. This article will explain how you can use their methods to calculate your age.

Calculating Your Aztec Birthday


The Aztecs believed that there are four ages: boyhood (xochitl), youth (tepetl), manhood (ahualtin) and old age (mecalli). Each one is associated with a different color. Boyhood is red, youth is green, manhood is blue and old age is yellow.

Boyhood – xochitl

In the Aztec culture, boys begin counting at birth and continue until they reach 12 years old. At that point, they become young adults. Boys born between January 1st and March 31st have an Aztec birthday on February 16th. Those born between April 1st and June 30th have an Aztec birthday between May 5th and July 4th. And those born between August 1st and December 31st have an Aztech birthday between September 2nd and October 6th.

Youth – tepetl

Young men count from 13 to 20 years old. On their Aztec birthday, they turn 21. After turning 21, they enter into manhood.

Manhood – ahualtin

Men who reach the age of 21 are considered adult males. On their Aztec birthdays, they turn 22. From then on, they are considered mature men.

Old age – mecalli

On their Aztec birthdays (after reaching 40 years old), men become elderly. They are no longer considered men but rather old men.

Aztec Calendars

The Aztecs divided the year into 18 months. Their names correspond to the number of days in each month. In addition, they counted the number of days in the year as 365 or 366 days long. They divided the year into two parts: the first part consisted of 52 weeks, while the second part consisted of 3 intercalary days.

Each day was named after a particular god. For example, the god Tezcatlipoca ruled over the fifth month. He was called “the Smoking Mirror.” His name means “Smoking Mirror” because he was said to be able to see through things.

The Aztecas also had a lunar calendar. It was similar to our modern Gregorian calendar. However, it did not include leap years. Instead, it included only 365 days per year.

The Azteca’s Lunar Calendar


The Aztecs began counting the days of the year at midnight on the winter solstice. That meant that they started counting at the beginning of the year.

They counted forward every day up to the summer solstice. Then they counted backward every day down to the winter solstice.

The Aztecan Year

The Aztecs divided the solar year into three seasons: spring, summer, and fall. Spring lasted from mid-February to early May. Summer lasted from late May to early November. Fall lasted from late November to early February.

The Aztecs divided the days of the week into five categories:

Monday Huehueteotl

Tuesday Tlaloc

Wednesday Xolotl

Thursday Ometeotl

Friday Coatl

Saturday Huizilopochtli

Sunday Tlotzin

The Aztecs used these names for the days of the week instead of Monday, Tuesday, etc. Because the Aztecs were farmers, they needed to know which days would be best for planting crops. So, they chose the names of gods associated with agriculture.

The first step in finding out what day you were born on the Aztec calendar is to know when it was, which can be found by using a date calculator or online. If you don’t have access to either of these tools, then you will need to look at the dates that fall around your birthday.

Birthday Calculators that can Help you Convert your Birthday to Mayan Calendar

If you are looking to convert your birthday into another calendar system such as the Mayan calendar, then this is something that you might want to try. It’s very easy to do and you only need to follow a few steps. First, you need to go to the website that can convert your birthday. Next, you’ll need to input your birth date in the appropriate box, then press the “Convert” button. Finally, you’ll see your new converted date appear.

These calculators allow you to easily convert your birthday into the Mayan calendar. You just need to choose from three options; the traditional Mayan calendar, the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar. Click on the button “Convert” and follow the instructions.

More birthday calculators are available on the internet. You will need to go search for them on search engines like Google.

This is how to find your birthday on the Aztec calendar. Try to utilize as many of these options as possible for better chances to an outcome.