March 25, 2025

How to Find Your Birthday on the Mayan Calendar

You can find your Mayan date of birth online, and it will tell you what day of the year you were born in the Mayan Calendar system. This article covers tips on how to find your birthday on the Mayan calendar. This is one of the possible birthday searches you can do online like a free birthday lookup by name.

The Mayan Calendar is an ancient calendar that was invented by the Maya Indians around 2,500 years ago. Its 365-day cycle became known as the solar year, which is still followed today. The Maya people lived in Central America and South America and they are believed to have developed their own writing system. They also built magnificent pyramids and temples, some of which are still standing today.


The Mayans had a unique method of counting time called the Long Count. This count is divided into four parts: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty and so on. These numbers were represented by different colors and patterns that could be found carved onto monuments and buildings.

Today, many people know about the Mayan Calendar because of Hollywood movies like “Avatar” or books such as “The Kabbalah of Exodus”.

Types of the Mayan Calendar

There are basically two types of the Mayan Calendar: the lunisolar and the solar. Both calendars are based on the same concept but with slight differences.

Lunisolar calendar

This type of calendar uses lunar cycles instead of solar ones. The month is made up of 30 days, each of them having 29 nights and one full moon. The months are named after the phases of the moon.

Solar calendar

This type of calendar uses solar cycles instead of lunar ones. There are 12 months in a year, each of them lasting 31 days. Each day begins at sunset and ends when night falls again. The names of the months are based on the seasons.

How to Calculate Your Age Using the Mayan Calendar


If you want to calculate your age in Mayan, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Find out the first day of the current year

To find out the first day of your current year, add together all the days from January 1st until December 31st. If you don’t know exactly how old you are, just add up the number of days between January 1st and now.

For example, let’s say that you want to know your age in the Maya Calendar. Add up the days from January 1, 2016 until today (December 31, 2017). That gives us 5,976 days. Divide that number by 365. We get 19.5 years. So, according to the Mayan Calendar, I am 19.5 years old.

Step 2 – Find out the last day of the previous year

To find out what your age will be next year, subtract the number of days from February 28th until today.

For example, let’ s say that you want to find out your age in the Mayan Calendar. Subtract the days from February 28, 2018 until today. That gives us 4,856 days. Divide that number to 365. We get 16.7 years. So, according the Mayan Calendar, my age will be 16.7 years old next year.

Step 3 – Find out the first date of the new year

To find out when your birthday will fall on, divide the number of days from today until March 21st by 13.

For example, if we wanted to find out our birthdays in the Mayan Calendar, we would have to divide the number of days since December 31, 2017 until March 21, 2018. That gives us 4863 days. Divide that number into 365. We get 153 days. So, our birthday will fall on April 15th, 2018.

Step 4 – Find out the last date of the new year. To find out when your birthday was in the past, multiply the number of days from March 21st until today by 7.

For example, suppose that we were born on August 8th, 2011. Multiply the number of days from September 11th until today by 7. That gives us 6,611 days. Divide it by 365. We get 18.1 years. So, according Mayan Calendar, my birthday was on July 20th, 2012.

Mayan Birthday Converter

There are tools online that can help you convert your birthday with the Mayan calendar. It is called “Mayan Birthday Converter”. You can use this calculator to find out your age using the Mayan Calendar.

The Mayan Birthday Converter calculates your age in years, month and days. Simply enter your birthdate and click on the Convert button.

You can also check your age in the Mayans Calendar using this tool. Click on the “Calculate Now!” button. Enter your birth date and hit calculate. The Mayan Birthday Calculator will give you an exact age in years, months, days and weeks. You can consult with search engines for more birthday calculators on the web.

With these tips you are a step closer on how to find your birthday on the Mayan calendar. Try to use as many of the options as possible for better chances to a positive outcome.