February 22, 2025

Find Someone’s Birthday on WhatsApp

This guide is aimed at helping you find someone’s birthday on WhatsApp. There are many reasons why you would want to do this; For example, you may be planning a surprise birthday for the person or simply want to know their zodiac sign in order to read up more about their possible character traits (if you are into these things). Whatever the reason, we all want to be seen as caring especially towards our loved ones who are friends and family. There is no better way to show that than a birthday.

Note: This article is part of a series on how to find someone’s birthday on social media

We use social media sites a lot these days as communication tools. They can also be sources on information as there are many details found on them on people. Users build profiles on them which can be accessed by other users. They also provide the ability to search for users on their platforms. This is also the case with WhatsApp.

If you are not familiar with this app maybe you can start by watching this quick start video below.

Birthday Search on WhatsApp

WhatsApp does not have a section or method to find someone’s birthday information directly like in most social media platforms. In most social sites, there are search bars where you can search for someone or go to their profile where you can find information like date of birth.

Users on WhatsApp only register using their phone numbers and that the only information there is on them on the platform. Even if so there are ways you can try to finds someone’s birthday on WhatsApp. Here are a few ideas.

Search from their WhatsApp Status

WhatsApp users usually post daily statuses which disappear after 24 hours. Some users post their upcoming birthdays on them. This feature functions exactly like the one on Facebook. Users can post messages, photos, videos and audio to be viewed by others. If you keep track of their WhatsApp statuses then you might land yourself a date of birth on that person.

To access a person’s status on WhatsApp, got to WhatsApp, click on status. If the person updated their status it will show among the list of other users’ statuses.

Tip: Don’t only focus on the person’s status but check out those of close friends. They may be posting about it too.

Check their WhatsApp About Function

You can also try to find someone’s birthday on WhatsApp from their about function. Some people will make their birthday their status update from the about function.

To view the ‘About’ information on someone on WhatsApp:

  • Launch WhatsApp.
  • Click on the person’s name. Your chat history with the person will be presented to you.
  • From there, click on the name again. This will direct you to the person’s bio.
  • Find the ‘About and Phone Number’ feature.
  • That’s where a number of people will update their birthday information.

Check Clues in Chat History

The chat history might be another great source to try out. It might happen that you once discussed birthdays with the person of interest. So checking your previous conversations would be a good idea too.

These ideas give you a chance  find someone’s birthday on WhatsApp. You can try them and be a part of that special person in your life. Unconventional as they might be, they might just work for you.

Note: here are some WhatsApp tips and tricks you can check out to help you master WhatsApp and maybe get more ideas.

Other recommendations

There are many other options for finding a person’s birthday. For one, you can use other social media platforms as listed below