March 31, 2025

How to Find Someone’s Birthday on Instagram

Social networking sites like Instagram have received a warm welcome from the world’s population. This can be witnessed from their popularity and high usage among people. With over 500 million users, it would come as no surprise that you might consider looking for ways on how to find someone’s birthday on Instagram. This guide will take you through a few ideas on how to do that with ease.

Note: This article is part of a series, you can start it by reading on how to find someone on social media.

Instagram as a Social Network

Instagram’s services not only include image and video sharing attributes but also lets users upload them to be edited using filters. These then can be categorized using hashtag and geographical tagging. Users use locations, tags, view trending topics, to follow and like other users’ content.

Instagram unfortunately has no means to notify you if someone has a birthday. You have to find ways to find someone’s birthday on Instagram.

IG is collecting people’s birthdates so maybe there is a chance if you try the ideas below

The Instagram Search bar

The Instagram search bar can be the answer to that Instagram birthday you are looking to find. Basic searches on Instagram’s search bar can be conducted using a name and username.

To search for someone’s birthday on Instagram from the search bar:

  • Log in to Instagram.
  • Find the search bar.
  • Type in the name or username of the person whose birthday you want to find and search.
  • From the results, find the person you are looking for. Go to their profile and check their posts.

See: Instagram profile finder for help on finding profiles

Search from Instagram Posts

If it is someone whom you are friends with on the Instagram then you can:

  • Log in to Instagram.
  • Go to the person’s profile.
  • Go through their latest posts.

A lot of people post on birthdays on Instagram. If you go through their post over the past year, you might find posts related to their birthdays. If the person does not normally post on Instagram, then you will return with no results.

birthday search on instagram

View their Tagged Posts

Some users tag their friends on posts congratulating them on their birthdays. You can find their birthday information from here too. The trick is, you will only be able to view this information if the person’s friends are active users and are also friends with you.

To find someone’s birthday on Instagram from tagged posts:

  • Log in to Instagram.
  • Find the person’s profile and click on it.
  • On the Instagram profile, find ‘Tagged Section’.
  • Go through the tagged posts and find one about the birthday.

Some users who constantly post on Instagram or social media might post on their story about their birthday. You can check the person’s stories for such posts too.

If you have mutual friends on Instagram you can also visit their profiles to find out if they haven’t posted on their stories congratulating the person you are looking up.

These tips can give you a chance to find someone’s birthday on Instagram. It will prove a difficult task to find someone birthday on Instagram is they are not active users. You can try a search on Facebook too if the person has an account there too.

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